Thursday, January 9, 2020

Leadership And Management Research Management - 2651 Words

Running Head: LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH Leadership and Management Research By: Carlos Steward Instructor: Dr. Tyron A. Woodard MNGT 5670 Managerial Leadership May 14, 2015 SectionI: Breadth Management practices have definitely changed over the last hundred years. This is vastly due to a result of amplified understanding of human and organizational behavior, the economic environment and historical framework, and the modifications in generations over a period of time. There are three eras of management and they are Classical, Humanistic, and Science and Knowledge. Management is the function that coordinates the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and†¦show more content†¦Frank and Lillian Gilbreth were a husband and wife team that contributed to the scientific era. It was their goal to find a way to reduce the number of steps workers used to complete a task. Gilbreth started a lifelong search of the â€Å"one best way† of performing any given task (George, 1968). Henry L. Gantt suggested the â€Å"task-and-bonus† system. Gantt fixed the pay amount based on the situations of the shop, and if the worker finished their jobs for that particular day, that worker was paid a bonus. With that being said, if the worker did not finish his or her job within the designated day, he or she was not punished for it but only paid the day s wage. This occurrence convinced Gantt that having concern for worker morale was one of the most significant elements of management (George, 1968). From the 1950s to the 1960s, organizations continued to grow and became more complex during this timeframe. This is the beginning of the Science and Knowledge Era. The Human Resources movement appeared and managers recognized how important people actually were when it came to production and productivity. Goal setting, job performance evaluations as well as job descriptions were important tools that came about during this time (Business Matters, 2015). In the 1970s, the focus quickly changed from measuring function to resource allocation. Strategic planning processes were created during this timeframe. SWOT Analysis and Growth Share Matrix were tools thatShow MoreRelatedLeadership and Change Management Research6578 Words   |  27 PagesRunning Head: LEADERSHIP AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT RESEARCH Leading and Change Management Research MBA 520 University of Phoenix Leadership and Change Management Research Introduction The purpose of this analysis is to gain knowledge about key concepts reviewed in the MBA 520 coursework coupled with recognizing application of these concepts in several industries. 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