Friday, August 23, 2019

Learned Helplessness Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Learned Helplessness - Term Paper Example The study also revealed that four components of ORS are very much related to LH namely: role ambiguity, role expectation conflict, role isolation and self-role distance. These components are caused by unclear structures, lack of job description, specification and analysis, improper placement, inadequate communication, overlapping role expectations and lack of team effort. The results also showed that the higher the LH, the higher the ORS and vice versa. From the findings of the study, it was determined that the role of the human resource management is crucial in adopting changes to reduce the stress and LH of employees in NGOs. Some of these steps include an improvement of the communication system to clearly define the vision and mission of the organization, introduction of a framework for remuneration and a restructuring of the organization to clearly identify roles of each employee (Sha & Pethe, 2004). According to the study, if management is able to implement the suggested changes , they can reduce the stress and LH of the employees and eventually increase their morale and motivation. Learned Helplessness in Sport by Harry Prapavessis & Albert V.

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